Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Animal Cruelty- "WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE???" a rant!!!

Everyday on Facebook, YouTube, the Internet, newspaper etc. you find horrible accounts of animal cruelty. The latest one I saw was of a snapping turtle beat to death! Prior to that someone broke into a persons house in Texas and beat and drowned a pit bull puppy for no reason and before that a person decided to light a cat on fire and those are just a few! Really what makes a person wake up and decide that what they would like to do for the day is beat, torture or kill an animal? Sure people get all worked up that people care more about animals than people, but think about it...if someone can't be kind to an animal what makes you think that person is going to be nice to you! And I'm not all about boxing people in with rules and taking away rights but seriously I think people should be held accountable for any torture of an animal. Most cities, states etc do not acknowledge an animal killing. In most instances domestic animals are only thought of as property no different than the way you think about your cell phone as a possession. There is no punishment for it. I realize also that animals are killed for food, however I'm hoping there is some dignity in it. I can't say that the food industry is doing any great justice to the way they treat animals as well. I don't believe in waste of food or gluttony. I fail to think that any bible or God condones people acting this way either. The more I read of these stories the more I think there is a Hell on Earth among us. If there are this many stories to read of these acts than just think how many sick people there really are in this world. Don't get me started on wars. Get help people! Don't take your baggage out on other living beings. Just a rant. I am tired of the sickness. It makes me sad and even though i know this happens among us I can't linger on it for too long scars my soul and ignites hatred for others. Most days I put a smile on my face and you would never know how I really feel. Also get your pets spay or neutered. so many healthy animals are put to sleep because there are not enough people to take care of them. Stop it before many have to suffer. There are thousands of animals every year that are needlessly killed in shelters. Now with all this negativity let's look at one positive. Thank you to all the people who think beyond themselves and help others.

Brooklyn and Rosslyn
Brooklyn was adopted from the Human Society. She was labeled as having social issues. She had been at the shelter for two months and was an older cat. More than likely she would have been put down. Brooklyn is part of the reason I'm still around.  Rosslyn  (a feral cat) was found outside our home starving to death. She wouldn't have made it through the winter. These two animals named after the children I never had are one of the BEST decisions I ever made in life. They make me laugh everyday and are so very loveable.
I love them!

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